Thursday, November 22, 2012

Structure and function

Thoughtful Thursday

I am the kind of person who likes to mentally multitask. Maybe "likes" isn't the appropriate word. It's just the way my brain functions. It's kind of like when you decide to search for something on the internet...You see a link, click it, read for bit, notice another link, click it and before you know it, your search for CCSS lesson plans has led you to Pinterest where you've now followed a link and learned how to make really cool hair braids, but you are not any closer to finding that perfect lesson. I don't set out to think about a million things at once, my brain just does it, so I need to compensate by developing routines and structures to fall back on.

I have noticed some blogs I've seen use each day of the week to focus on something. I'm hoping it will provide enough structure to keep me focused, with enough freedom to post my pressing thoughts. Here's what I've chosen:

Mission Mondays: This is the one post I'd like to get done each and every week. It's where I can establish a focus, a mission for myself for the week. Since I'm still figuring out more role as a support teacher and finding the right balance of interventionist/ co-teacher/ coach, a lot of these will be about getting better at what I do. They might also be about my selected goals for teacher evaluation.

Two-way Tuesdays: When I post on Tuesdays I will focus on reminding myself and my dear readers about strategies for Dual language programs and dual language learners, including ELLs. I expect to rely heavily on the Center for Applied Linguistics' Dual Language Resources, including the TWIOP, the TWI toolkit and the Guiding Principles.

Works for me Wednesday: A day to celebrate successes and share with my readers and my distracted future-self resources, tricks and tips.

Thoughtful Thursday: A day to share my thoughts about issues and kids, sometimes with my make-do solution, and an invitation to my readers to be thought partners to help me solve the issue.

Found it Friday: a quick link or resource that I'd like to share.

Thought of the day 

Since my first goal is to write for myself, I hoping that this structure will be just what I need to make and keep a blogging habit, reduce writer's block and allow me to be able to post even if I'm short on time. I do wonder, however, if all this structure is too much of a good thing. I can tend to go overboard on systems and structures sometimes. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it!



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